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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Table-tennis-racket-Donic:

  • Crystal Table Salt - 3 kg
    Crystal Table Salt - 3 kg

    Table salt of finest gourmet quality. From one of the world’s oldest salt deposits gained in the “Salt Range” or “Salt Mountains” in the Pakistani province of Punjab, about 200 km south of Himalaya. Since thousands of years already the coarse rock salt appreciated by connoisseurs around the globe has been mined in this region. It is 100 % unadulterated, sun-dried and hand-picked natural salt. Free of any additives, unionised. Gives meals a particularly fine taste.Finest gourmet quality.

    Preis: 14.02 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Crystal Table Salt - 3 kg
    Crystal Table Salt - 3 kg

    Table salt of finest gourmet quality. From one of the world’s oldest salt deposits gained in the “Salt Range” or “Salt Mountains” in the Pakistani province of Punjab, about 200 km south of Himalaya. Since thousands of years already the coarse rock salt appreciated by connoisseurs around the globe has been mined in this region. It is 100 % unadulterated, sun-dried and hand-picked natural salt. Free of any additives, unionised. Gives meals a particularly fine taste.Finest gourmet quality.

    Preis: 14.02 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Norton Small Business Premium
    Norton Small Business Premium

    Norton Small Business Premium: Umfassender Schutz für Ihr Unternehmen In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist der Schutz Ihrer Unternehmensdaten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Norton Small Business Premium bietet eine leistungsstarke Sicherheitslösung, die speziell für kleine Unternehmen entwickelt wurde. Es schützt nicht nur Ihre Geräte, sondern gibt Ihnen auch die Freiheit, sich auf das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens zu konzentrieren, ohne sich ständig Sorgen über potenzielle Bedrohungen machen zu müssen. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Norton Small Business Premium Ihnen helfen kann, Ihr Unternehmen effizient zu schützen und zu verwalten. Unternehmen stehen heute vor einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen, insbesondere wenn es um die Sicherheit ihrer digitalen Assets geht. Cyberangriffe sind auf dem Vormarsch, und selbst kleine Unternehmen sind nicht immun gegen die Bedrohungen. Laut Studien sind etwa 43% der Cyberangriffe auf kleine Unternehmen ausgerichtet. Der Verlust von Kundendaten, Finanzinformationen oder anderen wichtigen Informationen kann verheerend sein. Hier kommt Norton Small Business Premium ins Spiel – eine Lösung, die speziell entwickelt wurde, um den Bedürfnissen kleiner Unternehmen gerecht zu werden. Vorteile von Norton Small Business Premium Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Sie benötigen keine IT-Kenntnisse, um Norton Small Business zu nutzen. Die Software ist einfach zu installieren und zu bedienen, sodass Sie sich auf Ihr Geschäft konzentrieren können. Reduzierung von Online-Risiken: Mit leistungsstarken Sicherheitsfunktionen können Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter befähigen, sicher und geschützt aus der Ferne zu arbeiten, sogar auf mobilen Geräten. Nachhaltige PC-Pflege: Norton Small Business hilft dabei, Ihre Computer mit automatisierten Tools für die Bereinigung und Optimierung effizient zu halten. Verlässlicher IT-Support: Unser englischsprachiges, fachkundiges IT-Supportteam bietet Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern rund um die Uhr Unterstützung per E-Mail, Chat oder Telefon. Was bietet Norton Small Business Premium? Norton Small Business Premium ist mit einer Vielzahl von Funktionen ausgestattet, die sicherstellen, dass Ihr Unternehmen optimal geschützt ist. Hier sind einige der herausragenden Funktionen: Gerätesicherheit Kontinuierlicher Virenschutz in Echtzeit hilft, Ihre Geräte vor Viren und Malware zu schützen. Eine integrierte Firewall verhindert, dass Cyberkriminelle Ihr Netzwerk infiltrieren. Privater Browser Ein privater Browser sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter bei ihren täglichen Online-Aktivitäten mehr Privatsphäre genießen und besser vor Cyberbedrohungen geschützt sind. Software-Updater Der Software-Updater von Norton Small Business hält Ihre Anwendungen stets auf dem neuesten Stand und reduziert somit Sicherheitslücken, die von Cyberkriminellen ausgenutzt werden könnten. Utilities Ultimate Norton Utilities Ultimate bereinigt Junk-Dateien und entfernt nicht mehr benötigte Apps und Daten, damit Ihre Windows-PCs reibungslos funktionieren. Passwort-Manager Der Passwort-Manager von Norton Small Business bietet eine sichere Plattform zum Erstellen, Speichern und Verwalten von Passwörtern, Kreditkartennummern und anderen wichtigen Informationen. Dark Web Monitoring für 5 Kontakte Mit der Funktion Dark Web Monitoring überwacht Norton Small Business das Dark Web nach Ihren Daten und benachrichtigt Sie, wenn Informationen zu Ihren fünf wichtigsten Kontakten gefunden werden. So können Sie schnell reagieren und potenzielle Schäden vermeiden. Rund-um-die-Uhr-Unternehmenssupport Unser 24/7 Unternehmenssupport ist jederzeit verfügbar, um Ihnen bei technischen Fragen oder Problemen zu helfen. Egal, ob Sie Unterstützung per E-Mail, Chat oder Telefon benötigen, unser erfahrenes Team steht Ihnen zur Seite. 500 GB Cloud-Backup für PC Norton Small Business bietet 500 GB Cloud-Speicher, um wichtige Dateien sicher zu speichern und bei Bedarf wiederherzustellen. Dies ist eine ideale Lösung, um Datenverluste durch Ransomware, Diebstahl oder Hardwareausfälle zu vermeiden. Secure VPN Mit Secure VPN können Sie sicher auf Online-Firmenanwendungen und -Websites zugreifen, sowohl von zu Hause als auch unterwegs, mit einer verschlüsselten Verbindung, die Ihre Daten schützt. Treiber-Updater Der Treiber-Updater lädt die neuesten Treiber für Ihre Windows-PCs herunter, um deren Aktualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Mit einer Datenbank von über 60 Millionen malwarefreien Treibern stellt er sicher, dass Ihre Geräte stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Warum Norton Small Business Premium kaufen? Der Kauf von Norton Small Business Premium bietet Ihnen nicht nur umfassenden Schutz für Ihr Unternehmen, sondern auch die Sicherheit, dass Ihre Daten und Geräte in guten Händen sind. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Sie in Betracht ziehen sollten, Norton Small Business Premium zu kaufen: Verlässlicher Schutz: Vertrauen Sie darauf, dass Ihre Daten mit den fortschrittlichen Sicherheit...

    Preis: 101.14 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Microsoft Word 2007
    Microsoft Word 2007

    Welcome to Microsoft Office Word 2007 , included in the 2007 version of the Microsoft Office system. Microsoft Office Word 2007 is a powerful authoring program that lets you create and share documents by combining a comprehensive set of writing tools with the easy-to-use Microsoft Office Fluent interface. Microsoft Office Word 2007 helps information workers create professional-looking content faster than ever before. With a host of new tools, you can quickly assemble documents from predefined parts and formats, and author and publish blogs directly in Word. Enhanced integration with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and new XML-based file formats make Microsoft Office Word 2007 the ideal choice for building integrated document management solutions. This document provides an overview of Microsoft Office Word 2007 , focusing on its new and enhanced features. It also shows Microsoft Office Word 2007 in action to demonstrate the exciting new features. SmartArt diagrams and a new diagramming engine help you give your documents a professional look. Collaborative charting and diagramming with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 spreadsheet and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 presentation graphics program ensure a consistent look and feel for your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Write and publish blogs directly from Word using the familiar Word interface to create your blog posts with images, extensive formatting, spell checking, and more. Publish your blogs from Word to many popular blog services, including Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, MSN Spaces, Blogger, TypePad, Community Server, and many more. Equation Builder helps you create editable mathematical equations using real mathematical symbols, pre-built equations, and automatic formatting. Live Word Count tracks the number of words in your document as you type and is always in view in the Office Fluent interface of Microsoft Office Word 2007 . There's no way around Word word processing - in all likelihood, you'll be confronted with it in your professional life at the latest. As much as you are against monocultures, Word from Microsoft represents a standard - and if you can use it cleanly and efficiently, you will save yourself time. That's why you should familiarize yourself with the Microsoft Word 2007 version early enough. From keyboard shortcuts and pressing mice In Word, there are keyboard shortcuts (shortcuts) that are really nifty because you can keep your hand on the keyboard and not have to reach over to the mouse. The right mouse button also has real advantages. This chapter on keyboard shortcuts fits in well thematically, of course. However, you'll find that the importance of keyboard shortcuts increases over the course of your intensive use of Word, and you may want to reread it after reading the other chapters. Footnotes and Endnotes in Microsoft Word 2007 The be-all and end-all of academic writing is the traceability of the research base. Therefore, as many things as possible are supported by other scholarly literature and citations. These are then given in the footnotes - others love endnotes (though rare these days). Format templates - conformity, which is extremely important The appearance of your document may change again later if you wish - suddenly a certain font size is desired and the margin spacing should be completely different. If you have worked with style sheets, this is no problem and the work is off the table in 10 minutes thanks to Microsoft Word 2007 . In the style sheets you define the appearance of the individual text components (headings, subheadings, text areas, quotations, etc.). And with a few clicks, you can change the appearance for the entire document. Many functions of Microsoft Word 2007 are based on the clever use of style sheets, e.g. the (almost) automatic table of contents. Tables of contents in a snap No, you don't have to personally transfer the page numbers for the table of contents by hand. You simply tell the computer where to place the table of contents, and it does the counting. Pages or whole chapters are added? With 2 clicks you can have the table of contents updated. Before printing or when you reopen the file, Word does it by itself anyway. Index - Index Often found in technical literature at the end - an alphabetical listing of the various words of interest. So you can quickly see where the word occurs in the whole text. Images with captions in Microsoft Word 2007 Images are often used in scientific papers - so it makes sense to number the images and captions automatically. Image directories can then be created from them later. The same applies to tables or diagrams Image directory/table directory You have many images - then an image directory can be advantageous. Like a table of contents, it is often placed at the beginning of the document, directly after the table of contents. System requirements of Microsoft Word 2007 Windows 10 Windows 8 and 8.1 &nb...

    Preis: 12.97 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Stellar Repair for MSSQL Technician
    Stellar Repair for MSSQL Technician

    Stellar Repair for MS SQL repairs corrupted SQL database files (MDF and NDF). Microsoft MVPs and database administrators worldwide recommend this software for SQL database recovery with minimal downtime. Using a powerful algorithm, the software enables faster recovery of database objects such as tables, triggers, indexes, stored procedures, etc. while maintaining 100% integrity and precision. Recovers deleted records from SQL databases Recovers SQL database files (.mdf and .ndf) Supports SQL 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 and older versions When should you use Stellar Repair for MS SQL? Is the SQL database in SUSPECT mode? If there is a suspicion that the primary file group of a database has been corrupted by SQL Server or the transaction log file is missing or corrupted, the database will be marked as "suspicious". Also, events such as SQL server crash in the middle of a transaction, abrupt termination of the database, lack of disk space, etc. can put the database into the suspicious mode. Consequently, the database becomes inaccessible. Stellar SQL Recovery Tool helps to recover SQL database from suspicious mode and restores SQL database to a normal state (online). Need to recover SQL database from corrupted backup? Events such as database corruption, server crash or hardware failure make the database corrupted and inaccessible. In this case, you can restore the last backup to recover the SQL database. However, you may not be able to restore the database if the backup (.bak) file is corrupted. If you cannot restore the backup, the risk of losing business-critical data increases. Use Stellar for MS SQL Technician to extract data from the corrupted backup file. What to do if DBCC CHECKDB does not work? Microsoft SQL Server provides DBCC CHECKDB built-in utility with several repair options to fix SQL database corruption and restore the database. However, running DBCC CHECKDB REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS may result in data loss. Moreover, the inbuilt utility may fail and return an error if the SQL database files are severely corrupted. Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair software now Stellar Repair for MS SQL fixes all types of corruption errors in SQL database. Features of Stellar Repair for MSSQL SQL database recovery SQL database recovery software uses robust scanning algorithms to recover data from damaged or corrupt MDF and NDF files. It helps in recovering all database objects including tables, views, stored procedures, collations, etc. The tool supports database recovery from MS SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 2008 R2 and older versions. Recovers all SQL database objects SQL recovery tool recovers all database objects including tables, keys, indexes, views, triggers, stored procedures, rules, custom functions and more. Moreover, MS SQL database recovery tool supports recovery of XML indexes and data types, column set properties, sparse columns and file stream data types. Recovers deleted records from SQL database The software can recover deleted table records from corrupted SQL database without affecting the existing table data and original hierarchy. The SQL database recovery tool allows saving the recovered data in a newly created table directly under the original table. This helps to distinguish between recovered deleted records in the new table and the original table. Faster recovery with parallel processing The software uses parallel processing technique to process and save up to 8 tables simultaneously during the recovery process. This contributes to faster database recovery by reducing the time required to save the data extracted from a corrupted SQL database file (MDF) Other great features thanks to Stellar Repair for MSSQL include SQL database scanning and recovery options SQL data recovery tool, formerly known as Stellar Phoenix SQL Database Repair, offers two scanning options - Standard Scan and Advanced Scan for effortless database recovery. Standard Scan is the recommended option for quick database (.mdf) file recovery. Advanced Scan option scans the corrupted MDF file comprehensively and therefore takes more time to recover the file. Recovers ROW and PAGE compressed data SQL tables with PAGE and ROW compression can also be recovered using Stellar SQL database recovery software. The software supports Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode (SCSU) for SQL Server 2008 R2 and recovers all data in its original format. Preview recoverable database objects SQL Server recovery software scans the corrupted database and displays a preview of all recoverable objects in a tree-like structure. The left pane shows a list of recoverable objects, while the right pane displays the contents of a selected object. The preview function also helps to check whether the recovered content matches the original data that was present in the database before the corruption. Selective recovery of SQL objects The software helps in selective recovery of SQL database objects by allowing you to select or...

    Preis: 289.04 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Sweet Nature Erythritol - 1 kg
    Sweet Nature Erythritol - 1 kg

    Table-top sweetener on the basis of erythritol Erythritol is a virtually calorie-free, naturally occurring and tooth friendly sugar substitute, which is gaining in popularity due to the number of positive attributes. Erythritol provides around 70-80 % of the sweetness of standard household sugar, without any of its negative aspects. It has a glycemic index of 0, does not let the blood sugar rise and does not need to be taken into account in the carbohydrate balance. In contrast to artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, which are produced synthetically, erythritol is not a foreign substance to the organism. Sweet Nature erythritol can be used wherever you would usually use sugar: for cooking and baking, to sweeten coffee or tea, with fruit, in muesli or in yoghurt. Table-top sweetener on the basis of erythritol• As sweet and tasty as sugar! • No calories• Glycemic index: 0• Kind to teeth• No artificial sweeteners• Used like sugar• Ideal for cooking and baking

    Preis: 9.98 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Microsoft Access 2016
    Microsoft Access 2016

    If you are looking for software that is easy to use and efficient in creating desktop databases, you are in the right place. Microsoft Access 2016 is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily create browser-based database applications. In addition, you don't have to worry about the security of your information and data because all this is automatically stored in SQL databases, making it even more secure and allowing easy application sharing. Gain better control of your business with Access 2016 Properties Update If you already use Microsoft Access 2016, the good news is that you can upgrade to Microsoft Access 2016. You don't have to worry that it might be difficult to use Access 2016, as both versions are similar in design. You can start your work in a few minutes without reading tutorials. Simple commands and actions with the TellMe Box When you start Microsoft Access 2016, you will probably see a small text box on the ribbon. The text box contains a text that says, "What do you want to do?" You've probably already guessed what the main purpose of this is. Here you can write phrases or words related to what you want to do and you will quickly be taken to the functions that can make this wish come true. This is a great way to access tools and functions or perform actions quickly. For example, you can write "Filter" in the TellMe Box and you will be presented with all filter-related functions, tools and options. New themes & new look Another thing that you will notice as soon as you start your Microsoft Access 2016 is that you can change themes. You can now choose from two different Office themes that you can apply to Access. You can make your Access 2016 look colourful or white. To access this feature, navigate to File> Options> General and then simply select the new theme for a drop-down menu right next to Office themes. Manage your data more efficiently with templates You can use desktop database templates to make it easier to manage and organize your data. In Microsoft Access 2016, the most popular templates have been redesigned to give them a more modern look. If you want to try some of these templates as soon as you run your own copy of Microsoft Access 2016, you need to navigate to File>New and from there you can search for Task Management, Students, Contacts, Asset Tracking or Event Management. Show table dialog One of the biggest problems users had with Microsoft Access 2016 was the Show Table dialog box. It was too small and you could not see enough query names and tables in your database. Microsoft were good-natured and had decided to listen to their users. In Microsoft Access 2016, the Show Table dialog box is now larger and you can quickly and easily see more information. Easily export data to Excel Microsoft Access 2016 has a built-in feature that allows you to easily create a list of all data from your database in Excel. You can easily do this with the Table Link Manager dialog. To access this function, navigate to External Data> Table Link Manager. From there, you can select linked data sources that you want to export to Excel, and then simply click Export Excel. Create the best results with Office 2016ProfessionalPlus . You get premium versions of PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook and more. System requirements Processor PC: 1 Gigahertz (GHz) or faster x86-bit or x64-bit processor with SSE2 instruction set Working memory PC: 2 GB RAM Hard disk space PC: 3.0 GB available hard disk space Display PC: 1024 x 768 screen resolution Graphic PC: Graphics acceleration requires a DirectX 10 graphics card. Operating system PC: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 , Windows Server 2016 , Windows Server 2012 R2 , Windows Server 2012, or Windows Server 2008 R2 Scope of delivery: Original license key for the online activation of Microsoft Access 2016 Verified direct link from Microsoft to get the software fast & secure. Invoice in your name incl. VAT. Instructions for easy installation. Note: This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label) This offer is aimed at private individuals as well as companies, business customers, authorities, organisations, schools, communities and churches.

    Preis: 32.49 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Stellar Repair for Access
    Stellar Repair for Access

    Powerful tool recommended by Microsoft MVPs and appreciated by users and administrators worldwide to repair MS Access databases and restore their objects to a new database. Previews all recoverable objects including tables, queries, forms, reports etc before saving them. The software supports Office 365, Access 2019, 2016, 2013 and lower versions. It can also work with latest Windows 11 and earlier versions. Repairs corrupted .ACCDB and .MDB files Repairs split databases Repairs and previews tables, deleted records, macros, modules, etc. When to use Stellar Repair for Access? The Compact and Repair Database utility failed? The Compact and Repair Database command is used to reduce the database file size and fix the problems caused by large databases and occasional corruption. But the utility cannot fix severe corruption in an Access database. Stellar Repair for Access software, formerly known as Stellar Phoenix Access Database Repair, helps to repair severely damaged Access database files (.ACCDB/.MDB) quickly and efficiently. Access database is in an inconsistent state? Error code 9505 occurs when the Access Jet engine finds inconsistencies in the table definitions or table data. The Access compact and repair utility tries to fix the inconsistencies, but it may fail. Using Access data recovery software from Stellar® can help you fix database inconsistencies and restore it to normal state. Undetected database error? Unrecognized database error may occur due to reasons like insufficient permissions to access the database, using Access 2016 with Visual Studio 2012 or opening the database in different versions. Stellar Microsoft Access database repair tool can fix the problem and restore the database to its original state. Features of Stellar Repair for Access Repairs MDB and ACCDB files Microsoft Access repair software from Stellar® repairs corrupted MDB and ACCDB files of Access database. The software can fix corruption errors caused due to hardware failures, software conflicts and database design inconsistencies. Repairs all database objects Stellar Phoenix Access Database Repair software, now known as Stellar Repair for Access, helps in repairing all objects from the corrupted Access database files including tables, queries, forms, macros, linked tables, indexes, modules, attachment data, etc. It can also repair long number data type for Microsoft Access 2019. Repairs split database Access database repair tool repairs split databases and restores damaged linked tables. It also helps in recovering data stored in corrupted tables linked by databases from different sources. Recovering deleted records from Access databases Microsoft Access does not have a standard feature for recovering deleted records. Once a record has been deleted, it can only be restored using the backup copy, provided that it is up-to-date and in a working state. With Access database repair tool, you can recover deleted records of the table. Other great features of Stellar Repair for Access Preview database objects The software previews database objects, including tables, linked tables, queries, forms, reports, indexes, macros and modules, etc. For tables, the tool shows a preview of "table data" and "column information". Moreover, the "Search" option allows searching for objects in the list of scanned items. The preview function also allows you to recover specific objects from the Access database. Fixes all types of Access database corruption Stellar MS Access database repair software can fix all types of Access database corruption errors like "ID is no index in this table", "MS Access cannot open the database", "Database is in inconsistent state", Access database error 2950", "Access database already in use", etc. The software performs corrupt Access database repair and recovery of data while maintaining its consistency and integrity. Repairs password protected forms and modules Stellar Repair for Access software repairs corrupted password protected forms and modules safely without any data loss. The software efficiently recovers all content from password protected forms and modules while maintaining data integrity. Recovers non-English language data Access database repair tool can recover the non-English language details filled in database tables. Stellar Access Database Repair tool can fetch the details and restore the data filled in regional languages even if the user is using the English language edition of Access database. Stellar Repair for Access - Technician Version Technician version of Stellar Repair for Access allows you to repair corrupted Access database files on multiple systems at the same location. Selective recovery of database objects Access database repair tool supports selective recovery of database objects like tables, forms, modules, etc. You can select a single or specific object in the preview window and save it to the desired destination. System requirement Processor Intel-compatible (x86, x64) Operating sy...

    Preis: 93.91 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Lenovo StarTech Vertical Dual Monitor Stand - 78273610
    Lenovo StarTech Vertical Dual Monitor Stand - 78273610

    This sturdy and sleek dual-monitor stand raises two displays off the surface of your desk or table, to save space while increasing your productivity. With its steel construction, the freestanding monitor stand securely holds two monitors, each up to 27, or two ultrawide monitors up to 34 , stacked vertically.

    Preis: 124.99 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Claris FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced
    Claris FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced

    If there's no app for a problem, just create one. The world's leading Workplace Innovation Platform makes it easy for anyone to create their own app. With Claris FileMaker Pro, you can automate manual processes in a snap. Build apps to manage contacts, check inventory, organize projects and more. Build an app in minutes and hours instead of days and weeks. As for new features, the following enhancements are worth noting: The redesigned Layout mode helps you develop your own FileMaker applications: The Layout Tool Inspector, Objects, and Fields tabs can now be integrated into the document window or separated into palettes as needed. A new layout feature allows you to simultaneously display a list of records and view the details of a record on a layout without having to create additional auto-relationships and scripts. Individual objects within a group can be selected and modified without first resolving the group. When a table is created, several fields important to each table are automatically generated (unique record number, date a record was created and modified, etc.). Multiple email attachments can be attached to an email message (previously only one). Custom menus, menu sets, and menu items can be pasted into another file by "copy and paste". With FileMaker 17, the Pro version is no longer offered, only the Pro Advanced version. System requirements for FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced Windows 10 Pro Edition Windows 10 Enterprise Edition Windows 8.1 Standard Edition Windows 8.1 Pro Edition Windows 7 SP1 Professional Edition Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate Edition macOS High Sierra 10.13 OS X Sierra 10.12 Please note that OS X El Capitan 10.11 is no longer supported. Please update your operating system before upgrading to FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced. Available languages English French Italian German Korean Swedish Spanish Dutch Japanese Simplified Chinese Brazilian Portuguese

    Preis: 202.32 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Claris FileMaker Pro 12
    Claris FileMaker Pro 12

    Some layouts to the software Claris FileMaker Pro 12 Themes A notable new feature is the support of themes1 for layouts. FileMaker Pro inherited this feature, which lets you assign a different layout theme to all layout elements, from its little sister Bento. The formatting of an object can be changed, removed, and restored. Formatting layout objects Claris FileMaker 12 offers significantly more design options. For example, an object background can be filled with multicolor gradients or with an image. For a single-color background, the opacity can be freely set from 0 to 100 percent. In addition, it is possible to assign one or more rounded corners to objects, whereby the radius can be freely defined. Object states With Claris FileMaker 12 , it is possible to assign different formatting to layout objects, depending on the state of the object (Normal, Selected, Under Mouse, Pressed). Dynamic alignment lines When moving objects, dynamic guides help with positioning and make it easier to align and position them evenly. Guides Any number of guides can be created in a layout, which can be fixed, applied to all layouts, and "magnetized". Lines can also be inserted to represent different desktop sizes (640×480, 1024×768, 1280×960, 1600×1200) or iPhone or iPad dimensions. You can also define your own size. Clippings When a clipping is moved, all objects that belong to that clipping are also moved. An object belongs to a clipping if it is completely inside the clipping row. Undo/Redo Changes in the layout can be undone and redone step by step as long as the layout has not yet been saved. Layout width In addition to the height, the width of a layout can now also be specified. Objects placed outside the defined layout area are not visible in Browse mode. Accessibility for visually impaired people With Claris FileMaker 12 , you can assign text to layout objects that can be read by screen readers such as JAWS for Windows and VoiceOver for Mac OS X. Claris FileMaker 12 offers improved performance and ease of use Improved containers The contents of containers can be automatically stored outside the database file. When a user places a file in a container, it is transferred to a directory on the host computer and stored there, while only a reference is stored in the database itself. This keeps the file small and supports incremental backup. Files can be stored encrypted so that only FileMaker can read the data. Images can be displayed faster with automatically generated thumbnails. Drag and drop support has been improved and sound, video and PDF files can be edited directly in the containers. Plugin update Plugins can be saved to the database. Formulas and script steps can then be used to ensure that the correct version of the required plugin is installed for the respective user. Window style When a window is opened with a script or button, it can be defined as a standard document window, a floating document window2 or a modal dialog window3. Window elements can be specifically disabled: Close, Minimize, Maximize, Zoom, Resize. Tabs The tab active in Browse mode remains in the foreground when switching to Layout mode, making it easier for the developer to work with "invisible" tabs, for example. In addition, conditional formatting can be assigned to each tab. Sorting It can be set whether the sorting of records is permanent or temporary. Records that are inserted or modified after sorting will be arranged according to the sort setting by default. This behavior can be changed in the sort dialog. Badge A badge is displayed in the lower right corner of a layout if corresponding script triggers have been defined for this layout. A other badge is displayed for layout objects that have been set up as buttons. Layout icons New layout icons show the status of a file, objects in the file, or the action performed. Layout icons for date, time, user name, page number, and record number have changed. Working with shared files You can now run a script in a remote file from a URL. Improved reporting and analysis with Claris FileMaker 12 FileMaker charts In Browse mode, charts can be created quickly without having to switch database schemas. A clear diagram inspector for changing diagrams has been integrated. Some new chart types have been added: Stacked Columns, Positive-Negative Columns, Scatter, Bubbles. Table View Column headers in Table View provide more options to group, sort, create subtotals, and customize the appearance of the table. Integration with other applications and data sources Bento (Mac OS) Improved support for importing data from Bento. FileMaker Go FileMaker includes new script steps, features, and enhanced privilege sets, as well as layout themes optimized for touchscreens on the iPad and iPhone, including changes in customized menu sets for use with FileMaker Go. External SQL Sources (ESS) If one or more table names in the ODBC data source have been changed, the link between the FileMaker file and ...

    Preis: 79.46 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Flip PDF Plus Pro
    Flip PDF Plus Pro

    Flip PDF Plus Pro is a powerful, feature-rich flip book maker with a multimedia editor. You are able to create inspiring flip books that can be easily viewed on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and desktop. Start with stunning pre-made templates, fully customize your digital brochure or catalog with interactive effects by adding multimedia like YouTube videos, images, phone numbers and hyperlinks. Anyone can easily create stunning flipbooks. Flexible PDF to eBook conversion with Flip PDF Plus Pro Create an eBook with realistic flip effect With the user-friendly interface, you can create a realistic HTML flipbook in less than 10 minutes. Simply import a PDF file and choose a pre-made template to create an inspiring professional flipbook or brochure with ease. No programming or design skills are required! Merge PDFs into a single eBook How to turn multiple PDFs into a single book? Flip PDF Plus Pro offers an amazing way to combine PDFs into a single eBook for page turning, all without any code or knowledge. Efficient Batch Conversion Want to convert a large number of PDF files into books at the same time? With batch conversion, you can convert a number of PDFs into flipbooks one after another. You don't need to convert the PDFs one by one. Interactive eBook creation Various Templates, Themes, Scenes Flip PDF Plus Pro provides various pre-made templates, themes and animated scenes that you can quickly customize to suit your needs. Choose a template for the book's toolbar, change a theme for the book's appearance (background and color), and add an animated scene to spruce up your book background. Customize unique book templates thanks to Flip PDF Plus Pro The configuration of the following features can be saved in your templates: Toolbar, Themes, Scenes, Settings (like background sound, your brand logo), Table of Contents, Bookmarks, Multilingual, Password and even Voice Assistant. Save your templates directly in the program, making them easy to reuse, or export them to share with others. Customize Page Flip eBook Design your flipbook in your own style: adjust the background colors of the flipbook, set a logo for branding, customize the toolbar for functions like printing, downloading or sharing your flipbook. There are dozens of different settings you can use to customize your page flipping eBook to your style. Table of Contents Don't have a table of contents in your PDF? No problem, create your table of contents and make it easy to navigate through the entire book. Voice assistant of eBook In Flip PDF Plus Pro , you can use the assistant that helps you to add audio to book pages with synchronized scrolling text integrated. This wonderful feature is very useful for creating presentations for meetings, storybooks for children or language books for learning. Multimedia and animation editor Add YouTube and Vimeo videos to encourage your readers to linger longer You can embed genetic video code, insert an online video file, YouTube ID, Vimeo ID, or local video into your flipbook, which will improve the visual appeal and make your flipbooks more captivating. This will help you keep readers on your pages longer and convey more information about your brand or business. Import audio to create talking fl ipbooks Add single or multiple audios such as ambient sounds or appropriate music to create an entertaining flipbook and enhance your readers' experience. Listening to different audios will further engage readers in the content of your flipbook. Add text and images to show readers more details Quickly add text, images or GIFs to show your readers more details about your products, which can highlight the product features and effectively grow your online business. Let text and image work together harmoniously to help your customers understand your brand and products. Shape , QR Code, Shape Brush and Line Brush There are over 90 different shapes you can use to create a stylized and unique flipbook. You can also use a shape and line brush to draw any shape for all your needs. You can generate a QR code for your product website, and readers can simply scan the code with their mobile device to open the website for more information about the product. Interactive flipbooks with trigger actions Open a link - Direct visitors to your website Add a link as a triggering action of an element that readers can click and open the link to get more information about the products or go to another related website. Not only will this increase interaction in your book, but it will also help you connect with your readers and achieve your business goals. Go to any page - make reading targeted and efficient With "Go to Page", you can show readers what they should read next in your flipbook. It also allows readers to quickly jump to another page to get the information they need, which can increase efficiency when reading a book. Phone calls - instant contact with readers Add your phone number so readers c...

    Preis: 260.13 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Table-tennis-racket-Donic:

  • Which table tennis racket and rubber?

    The best table tennis racket and rubber for you will depend on your playing style and skill level. For beginners, a pre-assembled racket with a good balance of control and spin is recommended. As you advance, customizing your racket with a blade that suits your playing style and rubber that complements your strengths can enhance your performance. It's important to try out different combinations to find what works best for you.

  • How do you clean a table tennis racket?

    To clean a table tennis racket, start by removing any dirt or debris from the rubber surface using a soft cloth or sponge dampened with water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the rubber. You can also use a specialized racket cleaner or rubber cleaner to gently remove any built-up dirt or oils. Finally, store the racket in a protective case when not in use to maintain its cleanliness and performance.

  • How can one repair a table tennis racket?

    To repair a table tennis racket, you can start by inspecting the damage, such as cracks or loose rubber. If the rubber is peeling off, you can use table tennis glue to reattach it. For cracks in the wood, you can use wood filler to fill in the gaps and sand it down for a smooth finish. It's important to handle the racket with care and avoid using it until the repairs are complete to prevent further damage.

  • How can you repair a table tennis racket?

    To repair a table tennis racket, you can start by inspecting the damage and identifying the specific areas that need attention. If the rubber on the racket is peeling off, you can use a special glue designed for table tennis rackets to reattach it. If the handle is damaged, you can use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges and then apply a new grip tape. It's important to handle the racket with care and make sure to use the appropriate materials and techniques for the specific type of damage.

  • Which table tennis racket is suitable for me?

    The most suitable table tennis racket for you depends on your playing style, skill level, and personal preferences. If you are a beginner or casual player, a pre-made racket with a good balance of control and spin would be suitable. For intermediate players looking to improve their game, a customizable racket with a combination of speed and spin would be ideal. Advanced players may prefer a high-performance racket with specific rubber and blade combinations tailored to their playing style. It's important to try out different rackets and seek advice from experienced players or coaches to find the best fit for you.

  • Which table tennis racket is right for me?

    The right table tennis racket for you depends on your playing style, skill level, and personal preferences. If you are a beginner, a racket with good control and a slower speed may be more suitable. For intermediate players, a racket with a balance of speed and control would be ideal. Advanced players may prefer a racket with higher speed and spin capabilities. It's important to try out different rackets to find the one that feels comfortable and suits your playing style.

  • Where can I find such a table tennis racket?

    You can find a table tennis racket at sporting goods stores, online retailers, or specialized table tennis equipment stores. It is important to choose a racket that suits your playing style and skill level. You can also consider seeking advice from experienced players or coaches to help you select the right racket for your needs.

  • How can I repair a swollen table tennis racket?

    To repair a swollen table tennis racket, you can start by removing the rubber and sponge from the blade. Then, place the blade in a dry and warm place to allow it to dry out completely. You can also use a hairdryer on a low heat setting to speed up the drying process. Once the blade is completely dry, you can reattach the rubber and sponge using a table tennis glue. Make sure to press the rubber firmly onto the blade to ensure a secure bond.

  • How can I buy the right table tennis racket?

    To buy the right table tennis racket, you should consider your playing style, skill level, and personal preferences. If you are a beginner, look for a racket with good control and a larger sweet spot. For intermediate or advanced players, consider rackets with more speed and spin. It's also important to consider the weight, grip size, and blade composition of the racket to ensure it feels comfortable and suits your playing style. Finally, try out different rackets if possible to find the one that feels best for you.

  • What is the budget for a table tennis racket?

    The budget for a table tennis racket can vary depending on the quality and features of the racket. Generally, a beginner or recreational player can find a suitable racket for around $20 to $50. For intermediate players looking for better performance and control, rackets in the range of $50 to $100 are available. Advanced players or professionals may invest in higher-end rackets that can cost $100 or more. It's important to consider the player's skill level and playing style when determining the budget for a table tennis racket.

  • Which tennis racket?

    The best tennis racket for you will depend on your playing style, skill level, and personal preferences. It's important to consider factors such as weight, head size, string pattern, and grip size when choosing a racket. It's recommended to demo a few rackets before making a decision to see which one feels the most comfortable and suits your game the best.

  • How thick is the rubber on my table tennis racket?

    The thickness of the rubber on a table tennis racket can vary depending on the type of rubber used and the player's preference. Typically, the rubber on a table tennis racket can range from 1.5mm to 2.5mm in thickness. Thicker rubber can provide more spin and control, while thinner rubber can offer more speed. It is important to choose the right thickness of rubber based on your playing style and skill level.