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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff German:

  • German Wild Honey - 500 g
    German Wild Honey - 500 g

    A spicy-aromatic, dark honey from the forests of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. On the sunny day of late summer, bees collect honeydew from coniferous and deciduous trees; it is a sweet plant sap, which they turn into this unique honey speciality. The gentle harvest and processing method guarantees full and pure honey enjoyment, whereby the taste variety and originality of the honey is largely retained.Honey is a natural product. There may be natural variations in appearance, color and flavor. Almost every untreated honey crystallizes sooner or later, depending on the variety. Crystallization does not detract from the quality of the honey. Many connoisseurs prefer spreadable, crystallized, candied honey. By warming it in a water bath at temperatures of up to 40°C, the honey liquefies quickly.Like other raw food products, honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months.

    Preis: 12.34 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • German Blossom Honey - 500 g
    German Blossom Honey - 500 g

    A smooth and sweet, mildly aromatic and fine-creamy honey from nectar collected by the busy bees in spring from the entire variety of native meadows, fruit and rape blossom. The honey is handled very gently and stirred during processing to give it the spreadable consistency. Easy to dose, making it perfect as a spread and also for cooking and sweetening food and drinks.Honey is a natural product. There may be natural variations in appearance, color and flavor. Almost every untreated honey crystallizes sooner or later, depending on the variety. Crystallization does not detract from the quality of the honey. Many connoisseurs prefer spreadable, crystallized, candied honey. By warming it in a water bath at temperatures of up to 40°C, the honey liquefies quickly.Like other raw food products, honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months.

    Preis: 8.41 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Die Entdeckung: Energie - Vitamin Q10 / The discovery: energy - vitamin Q10/ Literature in German - 1 item
    Die Entdeckung: Energie - Vitamin Q10 / The discovery: energy - vitamin Q10/ Literature in German - 1 item

    The revolutionary, scientifical breakthrough, that can strengthen the heart and circulation and which can prolong life in a natural way. Q10 is a natural energy-giving substance which exists everywhere in the body. Q10 is indispensable for a healthy cardiac function and cares for 95% of our whole body energy. With 25% of a Q10 deficit we fall ill and from 75% of a Q10 deficit our life is at risk. Scientifical studies have proven that Q10 can optimise function, performance and energy utilisation of the untrained, usually healthy heart - without knee-bends and endurance run. So, good news for all who do not regularly keep fit or to thouse who are physically less active.

    Preis: 9.64 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • German Wild Honey - 500 g
    German Wild Honey - 500 g

    A spicy-aromatic, dark honey from the forests of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. On the sunny day of late summer, bees collect honeydew from coniferous and deciduous trees; it is a sweet plant sap, which they turn into this unique honey speciality. The gentle harvest and processing method guarantees full and pure honey enjoyment, whereby the taste variety and originality of the honey is largely retained.Honey is a natural product. There may be natural variations in appearance, color and flavor. Almost every untreated honey crystallizes sooner or later, depending on the variety. Crystallization does not detract from the quality of the honey. Many connoisseurs prefer spreadable, crystallized, candied honey. By warming it in a water bath at temperatures of up to 40°C, the honey liquefies quickly.Like other raw food products, honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months.

    Preis: 12.34 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • German Blossom Honey - 500 g
    German Blossom Honey - 500 g

    A smooth and sweet, mildly aromatic and fine-creamy honey from nectar collected by the busy bees in spring from the entire variety of native meadows, fruit and rape blossom. The honey is handled very gently and stirred during processing to give it the spreadable consistency. Easy to dose, making it perfect as a spread and also for cooking and sweetening food and drinks.Honey is a natural product. There may be natural variations in appearance, color and flavor. Almost every untreated honey crystallizes sooner or later, depending on the variety. Crystallization does not detract from the quality of the honey. Many connoisseurs prefer spreadable, crystallized, candied honey. By warming it in a water bath at temperatures of up to 40°C, the honey liquefies quickly.Like other raw food products, honey should not be given to infants under the age of 12 months.

    Preis: 8.41 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Die Entdeckung: Energie - Vitamin Q10 / The discovery: energy - vitamin Q10/ Literature in German - 1 item
    Die Entdeckung: Energie - Vitamin Q10 / The discovery: energy - vitamin Q10/ Literature in German - 1 item

    The revolutionary, scientifical breakthrough, that can strengthen the heart and circulation and which can prolong life in a natural way. Q10 is a natural energy-giving substance which exists everywhere in the body. Q10 is indispensable for a healthy cardiac function and cares for 95% of our whole body energy. With 25% of a Q10 deficit we fall ill and from 75% of a Q10 deficit our life is at risk. Scientifical studies have proven that Q10 can optimise function, performance and energy utilisation of the untrained, usually healthy heart - without knee-bends and endurance run. So, good news for all who do not regularly keep fit or to thouse who are physically less active.

    Preis: 9.64 £ | Versand*: 14.50 £
  • Norton Small Business Premium
    Norton Small Business Premium

    Norton Small Business Premium: Umfassender Schutz für Ihr Unternehmen In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist der Schutz Ihrer Unternehmensdaten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Norton Small Business Premium bietet eine leistungsstarke Sicherheitslösung, die speziell für kleine Unternehmen entwickelt wurde. Es schützt nicht nur Ihre Geräte, sondern gibt Ihnen auch die Freiheit, sich auf das Wachstum Ihres Unternehmens zu konzentrieren, ohne sich ständig Sorgen über potenzielle Bedrohungen machen zu müssen. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Norton Small Business Premium Ihnen helfen kann, Ihr Unternehmen effizient zu schützen und zu verwalten. Unternehmen stehen heute vor einer Vielzahl von Herausforderungen, insbesondere wenn es um die Sicherheit ihrer digitalen Assets geht. Cyberangriffe sind auf dem Vormarsch, und selbst kleine Unternehmen sind nicht immun gegen die Bedrohungen. Laut Studien sind etwa 43% der Cyberangriffe auf kleine Unternehmen ausgerichtet. Der Verlust von Kundendaten, Finanzinformationen oder anderen wichtigen Informationen kann verheerend sein. Hier kommt Norton Small Business Premium ins Spiel – eine Lösung, die speziell entwickelt wurde, um den Bedürfnissen kleiner Unternehmen gerecht zu werden. Vorteile von Norton Small Business Premium Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Sie benötigen keine IT-Kenntnisse, um Norton Small Business zu nutzen. Die Software ist einfach zu installieren und zu bedienen, sodass Sie sich auf Ihr Geschäft konzentrieren können. Reduzierung von Online-Risiken: Mit leistungsstarken Sicherheitsfunktionen können Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter befähigen, sicher und geschützt aus der Ferne zu arbeiten, sogar auf mobilen Geräten. Nachhaltige PC-Pflege: Norton Small Business hilft dabei, Ihre Computer mit automatisierten Tools für die Bereinigung und Optimierung effizient zu halten. Verlässlicher IT-Support: Unser englischsprachiges, fachkundiges IT-Supportteam bietet Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern rund um die Uhr Unterstützung per E-Mail, Chat oder Telefon. Was bietet Norton Small Business Premium? Norton Small Business Premium ist mit einer Vielzahl von Funktionen ausgestattet, die sicherstellen, dass Ihr Unternehmen optimal geschützt ist. Hier sind einige der herausragenden Funktionen: Gerätesicherheit Kontinuierlicher Virenschutz in Echtzeit hilft, Ihre Geräte vor Viren und Malware zu schützen. Eine integrierte Firewall verhindert, dass Cyberkriminelle Ihr Netzwerk infiltrieren. Privater Browser Ein privater Browser sorgt dafür, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter bei ihren täglichen Online-Aktivitäten mehr Privatsphäre genießen und besser vor Cyberbedrohungen geschützt sind. Software-Updater Der Software-Updater von Norton Small Business hält Ihre Anwendungen stets auf dem neuesten Stand und reduziert somit Sicherheitslücken, die von Cyberkriminellen ausgenutzt werden könnten. Utilities Ultimate Norton Utilities Ultimate bereinigt Junk-Dateien und entfernt nicht mehr benötigte Apps und Daten, damit Ihre Windows-PCs reibungslos funktionieren. Passwort-Manager Der Passwort-Manager von Norton Small Business bietet eine sichere Plattform zum Erstellen, Speichern und Verwalten von Passwörtern, Kreditkartennummern und anderen wichtigen Informationen. Dark Web Monitoring für 5 Kontakte Mit der Funktion Dark Web Monitoring überwacht Norton Small Business das Dark Web nach Ihren Daten und benachrichtigt Sie, wenn Informationen zu Ihren fünf wichtigsten Kontakten gefunden werden. So können Sie schnell reagieren und potenzielle Schäden vermeiden. Rund-um-die-Uhr-Unternehmenssupport Unser 24/7 Unternehmenssupport ist jederzeit verfügbar, um Ihnen bei technischen Fragen oder Problemen zu helfen. Egal, ob Sie Unterstützung per E-Mail, Chat oder Telefon benötigen, unser erfahrenes Team steht Ihnen zur Seite. 500 GB Cloud-Backup für PC Norton Small Business bietet 500 GB Cloud-Speicher, um wichtige Dateien sicher zu speichern und bei Bedarf wiederherzustellen. Dies ist eine ideale Lösung, um Datenverluste durch Ransomware, Diebstahl oder Hardwareausfälle zu vermeiden. Secure VPN Mit Secure VPN können Sie sicher auf Online-Firmenanwendungen und -Websites zugreifen, sowohl von zu Hause als auch unterwegs, mit einer verschlüsselten Verbindung, die Ihre Daten schützt. Treiber-Updater Der Treiber-Updater lädt die neuesten Treiber für Ihre Windows-PCs herunter, um deren Aktualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Mit einer Datenbank von über 60 Millionen malwarefreien Treibern stellt er sicher, dass Ihre Geräte stets auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Warum Norton Small Business Premium kaufen? Der Kauf von Norton Small Business Premium bietet Ihnen nicht nur umfassenden Schutz für Ihr Unternehmen, sondern auch die Sicherheit, dass Ihre Daten und Geräte in guten Händen sind. Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Sie in Betracht ziehen sollten, Norton Small Business Premium zu kaufen: Verlässlicher Schutz: Vertrauen Sie darauf, dass Ihre Daten mit den fortschrittlichen Sicherheit...

    Preis: 101.14 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch 9
    Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch 9

    Duden Correct and good German 9 Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch - Typical cases of doubt in the German language explained in an understandable way. The typical doubtful cases of the German language - explained in an understandable way and prepared in a user-friendly manner in the electronic dictionary "Duden - Richtiges und gutes Deutsch". Formulation aids and numerous practical examples provide answers to the most important questions about correct spelling, grammatical details and stylistic subtleties. This makes the electronic dictionary an indispensable reference work for everyday computer use. It can also be combined with all other electronic dictionaries via the Duden library. Now with Duden recommendations for perfect German - even for grammatical problems. Quick and correct decision making on the PC for all doubtful cases of the German languageFind immediately: improved access to information through the search function of the Duden LibraryCompactly presented: thematic overview articlesNew: recommendations of the Duden editorial office, also for grammatical doubtful casesCombinable with all electronic dictionaries from the Duden Library System requirements for Win Windows: 2000 / XP / Vista / Win 7; at least 70 MB free hard disk space System requirements for Mac Mac OS X: Mac OS X 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6; min. 70 MB available hard disk space

    Preis: 10.08 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch 9
    Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch 9

    Duden Correct and good German 9 Duden Richtiges und gutes Deutsch - Typical cases of doubt in the German language explained in an understandable way. The typical doubtful cases of the German language - explained in an understandable way and prepared in a user-friendly manner in the electronic dictionary "Duden - Richtiges und gutes Deutsch". Formulation aids and numerous practical examples provide answers to the most important questions about correct spelling, grammatical details and stylistic subtleties. This makes the electronic dictionary an indispensable reference work for everyday computer use. It can also be combined with all other electronic dictionaries via the Duden library. Now with Duden recommendations for perfect German - even for grammatical problems. Quick and correct decision making on the PC for all doubtful cases of the German languageFind immediately: improved access to information through the search function of the Duden LibraryCompactly presented: thematic overview articlesNew: recommendations of the Duden editorial office, also for grammatical doubtful casesCombinable with all electronic dictionaries from the Duden Library System requirements for Win Windows: 2000 / XP / Vista / Win 7; at least 70 MB free hard disk space System requirements for Mac Mac OS X: Mac OS X 10.4 / 10.5 / 10.6; min. 70 MB available hard disk space

    Preis: 10.08 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
    Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

    Duden The German spelling for PC (Download for Windows) Duden - The German orthography", 25th edition With around 135,000 keywords and over 500,000 examples, explanations of meaning and information on word division, pronunciation, grammar, style levels and etymology, the current vocabulary of contemporary German is more comprehensive than ever before. With dictionary recommendations for several permissible spellings and direct access to the relevant spelling rule. In addition, more than 15,000 recordings for correct pronunciation, spoken by professional speakers of the ARD, are included. The dictionary entries can be copied directly into own applications. Can be combined with other titles from the Duden library. System requirements Windows: PC with Pentium processor or more powerful; Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7; at least 200 MB free hard disk space

    Preis: 9.36 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
    Duden Die deutsche Rechtschreibung

    Duden The German spelling for PC (Download for Windows) Duden - The German orthography", 25th edition With around 135,000 keywords and over 500,000 examples, explanations of meaning and information on word division, pronunciation, grammar, style levels and etymology, the current vocabulary of contemporary German is more comprehensive than ever before. With dictionary recommendations for several permissible spellings and direct access to the relevant spelling rule. In addition, more than 15,000 recordings for correct pronunciation, spoken by professional speakers of the ARD, are included. The dictionary entries can be copied directly into own applications. Can be combined with other titles from the Duden library. System requirements Windows: PC with Pentium processor or more powerful; Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7; at least 200 MB free hard disk space

    Preis: 9.36 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
  • Malwarebytes Premium Plus Includes Browser Guard & Privacy VPN
    Malwarebytes Premium Plus Includes Browser Guard & Privacy VPN

    Malwarebytes Premium Plus Includes Browser Guard & Privacy VPN - Maximum Security Online! Malwarebytes is smarter, faster and easier than ever before. Rely on a product that is much more than a simple antivirus program and stop worrying about online threats. Cleans your PC in just a few minutes Our free scanner has made us famous. It not only finds threats like malware and viruses, but also potentially unwanted programs that slow down your computer. Protects your PC, your files and your personal data around the clock, seven days a week Our real-time protection uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to protect you from online threats and even previously unknown threats. Protects against online scammers Web Protection blocks online scams, infected websites and malicious links. It also blocks phishing attacks that use fake websites to trick you into revealing private information. Stops ransomware Ransomware Protection uses our proprietary technology to build a powerful line of defense against malware that locks your PC and holds your files and photos hostage. No performance impact: Scans now use 50% less CPU resources than before. Makes security a breeze: Completely redesigned user interface for easy customization. Malwarebytes Katana engine Our brand new detection engine now detects many more threats in much less time and with less impact on computer performance than ever before. Malwarebytes Browser Guard Browser extension that outwits scammers : Destroys unwanted and unsafe content for safe and fast browsing. Filters annoying ads and scams while blocking trackers that spy on you. Up to 4 times faster browsing: Improves the display speed of websites. Detects and blocks technical support scams. Malwarebytes Privacy VPN With a single click, our next-generation VPN helps protect your online privacy, secures your Wi-Fi connection and delivers blazing fast speeds. Take control of your privacy Malwarebytes Privacy is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) that puts itself on your side and serves as a digital intermediary between you and the Internet. Your Internet traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel that makes it look like your data is coming from one of our virtual Server. Prevent hackers from stealing your data: Stop hackers everywhere. Keep delays at bay: VPN with fewer delays. Prevent websites from monitoring you on the internet: Prevent unsolicited surveillance. More than 300 Server in more than 30 countries: Change your location. Connect to the VPN you trust: Once connected to the VPNServer, Malwarebytes Privacy does not store or log any data related to Internet traffic, DNS queries, IP addresses, bandwidth or network connections. System requirement of Malwarebytes Premium Plus Includes Browser Guard & Privacy VPN Software requirements Windows Windows 11 (32/64 bit) Windows 10 (32/64 bit) Windows 8.1 (32/64 bit) Windows 8 (32/64 bit) Windows 7 (32/64 bit) Hardware requirements Windows 800 MHz CPU or more, with SSE2 technology 2048 MB (64-bit operating system), 1024 MB (32-bit operating system) 250 MB free hard disk space Min. 1024 x 768 screen resolution Supported languages Windows Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish. Software requirements macOS macOS 10.12 (or higher) Active internet connection for protection and product updates Hardware requirements mac OS If your hardware is compatible with macOS 10.12, it can run the Malwarebytes software Supported languages macOS English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Polish and Russian Supported operating systems Chromebook Malwarebytes for Chromebooks is only available for Chromebooks that can install apps from the Google Play Store. Supported languages Chrome book Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Supported operating systems Android Android version 9.0 or higher Supported languages Android Dutch, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Supported operating systems IOS iOS 11 and higher Supported languages IOS English, French and Spanish System requirement for Malwarebytes Browser Guard Supported browsers Chrome, Edge, Firefox Supported languages English System requirement for Malwarebytes Privacy VPN Software requirements Windows 7 (or higher) and macOS Catalina 10.15.4 (or higher) Supported languages English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian

    Preis: 46.94 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für German:

  • German exam or German exam?

    I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking whether you should take a German exam or if there are different types of German exams? If you are deciding whether to take a German exam, it would depend on your goals and proficiency in the language. If you are asking about different types of German exams, there are various proficiency exams such as the Goethe-Zertifikat or TestDaF, which are recognized internationally.

  • Do German teenagers unlearn German grammar?

    German teenagers do not unlearn German grammar, but they may become less focused on it as they become more fluent in the language. As they use German more frequently in their daily lives, they may rely more on intuition and context to communicate effectively, rather than consciously applying grammar rules. However, formal education and continued exposure to the language help reinforce and solidify their understanding of German grammar.

  • What are the differences between Standard German, Swiss German, and Austrian German?

    Standard German is the official form of the German language used in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. It is the standard form of the language used in writing, education, and formal settings. Swiss German and Austrian German are regional dialects of the German language spoken in Switzerland and Austria, respectively. These dialects have unique vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar compared to Standard German. Swiss German and Austrian German are often used in informal, everyday conversations, while Standard German is used in formal and official settings.

  • How can a German learn Swiss German?

    A German can learn Swiss German by immersing themselves in the language through practice and exposure. This can be done by interacting with native Swiss German speakers, watching Swiss German TV shows or movies, and listening to Swiss German music or podcasts. Additionally, taking formal language classes or using language learning apps specifically designed for Swiss German can also be helpful in learning the dialect. Finally, practicing regularly and being patient with oneself is key to mastering Swiss German.

  • Is the designation German or German-Czech?

    The designation is German-Czech. This indicates that the person or thing in question has both German and Czech heritage or connections. It recognizes the dual cultural background of individuals or groups who have ties to both Germany and the Czech Republic.

  • Which German rock bands have German lyrics?

    Some popular German rock bands that have German lyrics include Rammstein, Die Ärzte, and Wir sind Helden. These bands have gained international recognition for their music, which often features powerful vocals and meaningful lyrics in their native language. Singing in German adds a unique and authentic touch to their music, allowing them to connect with their German-speaking audience on a deeper level.

  • Can you translate Old German into German?

    Yes, I can translate Old German into modern German. Old German, also known as Old High German, is an early form of the German language that was spoken between the 6th and 11th centuries. While there may be some differences in vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, I am able to interpret and translate Old German texts into modern German to make them understandable to contemporary speakers.

  • Why are German rappers actually not German?

    German rappers are actually German in terms of nationality, but some people may argue that they are not truly German because of their ethnic or cultural background. Many German rappers have immigrant backgrounds, often from countries in the Middle East or North Africa, and they often incorporate their heritage and experiences as immigrants into their music. This can lead to a perception that they are not fully German, despite being citizens of the country. However, their music and contributions to the German hip-hop scene are undeniably a part of the country's cultural landscape.

  • Can the German teacher not speak German?

    It is possible for a German teacher to not speak German, although it would be unusual. There may be circumstances where a person is hired as a German teacher without actually being fluent in the language, such as in a non-traditional educational setting or in a language school where the focus is on teaching methodology rather than language proficiency. However, in most cases, a German teacher would be expected to be fluent in the language they are teaching.

  • Which German anime websites offer German dubbing?

    Some German anime websites that offer German dubbing include Anime on Demand, Crunchyroll, and Wakanim. These websites provide a selection of anime series and movies with German dubbing for viewers who prefer to watch anime in their native language. Additionally, they may also offer subtitles in German for those who prefer to watch anime in its original Japanese language.

  • Why is German German sometimes like that?

    German can sometimes be complex and difficult to understand because of its grammar rules, word order, and the use of compound words. The language has a reputation for being precise and structured, which can make it seem rigid and challenging for non-native speakers. Additionally, the historical influence of other languages on German, such as Latin and French, has contributed to its unique characteristics and complexities. Overall, the intricacies of German can make it seem "like that" to those unfamiliar with the language.

  • German astronauts

    German astronauts have been part of various space missions, including those with the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA. Notable German astronauts include Thomas Reiter, who spent time on both the Mir space station and the International Space Station (ISS). Alexander Gerst is another well-known German astronaut who has completed multiple missions to the ISS. Germany's involvement in space exploration continues to grow, with more astronauts expected to participate in future missions.